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Our unique approach

Montessori represents both a philosophy and method of education. Windchimes focuses on the development of each child’s full potential by using teacher specifically trained in the Montessori Method and Philosophy for the level they teach. Our unique approach, aims to help the little ones learn through play and creatively planned activities, without the undue pressure of rote learning and restricted physical movement. Our aim is to create a sense of Wonder and Excitement in the child, with the help of both, our outdoor and indoor environments, leading to the child’s natural desire to learn!

Our distinctive, Integrated approach to early childhood learning will ensure Intellectual Development along with the Emotional well being of your child. Part Montessori, Part Traditional, Part Environmental, Part Cultural and of course, some Fun….

Areas of Learning

Practical life




This is how we derive the “Pedagogy of Learning?”


Short plays to build confidence.

Movement & Music

Varied cultural dance & music forms.


Building on vocabulary & imagination.

Art & Sculpting

Building fine motor skills

Settling In, calming and comforting the child:

Community songs, prayer, quiet time, personal corner, puzzles, picture books.

Gross and Fine Motor Refinement:

Simple Practical Life activities such as watering plants, Eye-hand coordination with light activities like sewing , threading, pouring, weaving and sieving activities, with the help of both Montessori and traditional materials.


Planned conversations with teacher and “speak up” time among peer group, Montessori language activities, Introduction to the Alphabet and Spellings through Phonetics.

Math / Arithmetic:

Introduction to Numbers and Counting through Montessori materials. You may have, by now, noticed that a significant part of our program is based on “Sensorial” experiences – helping the children learn naturally with the use of their own keen senses ( vision, auditory, touch, muscular ) and their own sharp sense of observation, a desire for repetition till each child’s intellectual, physical and emotional needs are met.

Cultural, Environmental:

Sense of belonging and comfort for the child, Learning about Family and Community, respect for Nature and the Environment Etc.

  • Weekly community celebration of birthdays
  • Celebration of Festivals
  • Social etiquette and manners
  • Activities centred around the seasons.
  • Activities that involve care and respect for nature.

Physical movement / whole body exercise:

planned play time for the children to play in our spacious campus. Play equipment such as swings, slides, monkey bars. Traditional games like Marbles, Lagori…

Gross motor and Fine motor skills Development and Refinement

Gardening, organic farming, building and creating activities with the help of sand, clay, wood (supervised by adult).

If the child is interested (optional):

  • Children’s Yoga
  • Classical dance
  • Classical Music
  • Art and Craft
  • Foreign Language

Last but not the least, our family hopes to give your child the kind of childhood we were fortunate to experience back in the day, leading to many wonderful long lasting memories. A large, comfortable space and a non stressful learning style that allows for learning, play, sense of community and traditions…..all blended in, for the fulfilling reward of seeing a bunch of happy, energetic, smiling children every day !